Tuesday, February 19, 2013

HTML 2 by Saiful Islam

HTML Headings

May you Know that every content contain a Heading to describe the main theme of this content. In html markup language you can make a heading using this tag. <h1>   </h1>-<h6> </h6> . h1 tag is the largest tag and the h6 is the smallest tag in heading tag. the headling will be in the middle of this tag.

HTML Paragraphs

Html Paragraph is for making paragraph in our content. It is defined by <p> tag.

HTML Line Breaks

When we write or type in our MS word,we press the "enter" from our key board to line break but in html language we can't bread the line by pressing "enter". For line break we have to write "</br>"  at the end of the line where we want to break.

HTML Output

Remember that when you create the extra line by pressing enter and create extra space , HTML can't display like this. HTML don't take any space without one space and don't take any line without break tag.The browser will remove extra spaces and extra lines when the page is displayed. Any number of lines count as one line, and any number of spaces count as one space.
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